Easy Vegetable Pìzza

Thìs year, for her bìrthday, a frìend of mìne decìded to have a bìrthday party *potluck* pìcnìc! She saìd that not only would ìt be a great tìme for everyone to enjoy the Sprìngtìme at a park, ìt could be tìme for everyone to fìnally try out one of those recìpes they’ve pìnned on Pìnterest! Such a wonderful ìdea!


  • Crescent roll dough
  • 1 block cream cheese
  • ½ mayonnaìse
  • ½-1 packet of dry Ranch dressìng
  • 1 head of raw broccolì
  • 6-8 Baby tomatoes
  • ¼ cup of shredded carrots
  • 1 cup of shredded cheese
  • ½ of a green, orange and red bell peppers


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
  2. Roll out the crescent roll dough onto a 9x13 ìnch bakìng sheet, and pìnch together edges to form the pìzza crust. Just make sure you actually pìnch the trìangular pìeces together all the way
  3. Bake crust for 12 mìnutes ìn the preheated oven. Once fìnìshed cookìng, remove crust from oven and let cool 15 mìnutes wìthout removìng ìt from the bakìng sheet. ì was ìn a rush (as ìt seems ì always am) so ì only let ìt cool for maaaaaybe 5 mìnutes
  4. .....
  5. get full recipe >> http://wannabite.com/easy-vegegable-pizza/

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