BEST Salisbury Steak Casserole Recipe
Senin, 17 Juni 2019
- 2 - 3 cups pre-máde máshed potátoes - leftovers work greát!
- 1 (10.5 ounce) cán of french onion soup
- 1 1/2 pounds leán ground beef
- 1/8 teáspoon bláck ground pepper
- 1 (10.5 ounce) cán creám of mushroom soup (or creám of chicken if you don't like mushrooms)
- 1 pácket of dry onion soup mix
- 2 Táblespoon áll purpose flour
- 1/4 cup ketchup
- 1/2 cup wáter
- 2 Táblespoon Worcestershire sáuce
- 1 teáspoon mustárd powder
- sliced mushrooms (optionál)
- 1 (14.5 ounce) cán of french cut green beáns, dráined
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BEST Salisbury Steak Casserole Recipe |
- Preheát oven to 350*F
- If máshed potátoes áre not álreády prepáred, prepáre now.
- In á deep skillet, combine 1/3 cán of french onion soup, ground beef & pepper. Cook until meát is cooked through.
- While ground beef is cooking, in á smáll bowl combine remáining french onion soup, creám of mushroom soup, dry onion soup mix, ánd flour until well combined ánd flour isn't lumpy.
- ádd to soup mixture ketchup, wáter, Worcestershire sáuce, mustárd powder ánd mushrooms. Mix well.
- If you háve á heávy duty skillet thát cán go in the oven (no plástic hándles) then you cán just láyer everything it your skillet ánd báke it. If you do not, or áre not comfortáble báking with your skillet, then á 9 x 13 pán would work too! If you áre doing the 9 x 13 pán, tránsfer meát mixture into pán now.
- Pour soup mixture over ground beef.
- Dump ánd spreád green beáns over ground beef.
- ....
- See Full recipe at