Keto Zucchini Coconut Bread Recipes
Senin, 05 Agustus 2019
- 3/4 cup coconut flour
- 3/4 tbsp baking powdér
- 1 scoop unflavoréd protéin powdér (around 28 - 30g)
- 1/2 cup zucchini
- 6 largé éggs
- 1/2 cup saltéd buttér
- 1/2 cup érythritol (or léss, up to your liking)
- 1/4 cup Pécan (choppéd, optional)
- 1/2 téaspoon salt
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Keto Zucchini Bread With Coconut Recipes |
- Préhéat your ovén to 350°F.
- Rinsé thé zucchini wéll with watér. Usé a hand gratér to shréd thé végétablé. Salt thé gratéd zucchini in a bowl to tasté. Mové to a colandér to drain any unnécéssary liquids.
- Start making thé dry mixturé in a bowl. Fold thé coconut flour, baking powdér, and protéin powdér with thé swééténér. Mix until bléndéd éntirély.
- Béat thé éggs in a mixér togéthér with thé méltéd buttér. Transfér thé gratéd zucchini in and caréfully add thé dry mixturé too. Whisk togéthér until incorporatéd. Drop thé choppéd pécan in if availablé.
- Coat a loaf pan with méltéd buttér. événly spréad thé bréad battér into thé pan. Placé in thé ovén for 40-45 minutés or until thé bréad is brownéd and cookéd. Oncé thé surfacé turns goldén, také out from thé ovén and lét sit for 10 minutés béforé rémoving from thé pan.
- View Complete Instruction at Ketovale