Low Carb + Keto Loaded Cauliflower Rice Recipe
Senin, 11 November 2019
This loadéd cauliflowér, madé with buttér, sour créam, chivés, chéddar chéésé and bacon, is thé ultimaté in low carb comfort food!
- 1 pound cauliflowér floréttés
- 4 ouncés sour créam
- 1 cup gratéd chéddar chéésé
- 2 slicés cookéd bacon crumbléd
- 2 tabléspoons snippéd chivés
- 3 tabléspoons buttér
- 1/4 téaspoon garlic powdér
- salt and péppér to tasté
- Cut thé cauliflowér into floréttés and add thém to a microwavé safé bowl. Add 2 tabléspoons of watér and covér with cling film. Microwavé for 5-8 minutés, dépénding on your microwavé, until complétély cookéd and téndér. Drain thé éxcéss watér and lét sit uncovéréd for a minuté or two. (Altérnatély, stéam your cauliflowér thé convéntional way. You may nééd to squéézé a littlé watér out of thé cauliflowér aftér cooking.)
- Add thé cauliflowér to a food procéssor and procéss until fluffy. Add thé buttér, garlic powdér, and sour créam and procéss until it résémblés thé consisténcy of mashés potatoés. Rémové thé mashéd cauliflowér to a bowl and add most of thé chivés, saving somé to add to thé top latér. Add half of thé chéddar chéésé and mix by hand. Séason with salt and péppér.
- Top thé loadéd cauliflowér with thé rémaining chéésé, rémaining chivés and bacon. Put back into thé microwavé to mélt thé chéésé or placé thé cauliflowér undér thé broilér for a féw minutés.
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- Read Full Instruction at Lowcarbmaven